Purpose of the work instruction:
Use this work instruction to create User Groups and User Teams. These can be used to simplify course assignments and reporting functions. You will learn how to create each type of group, and the differences between them to help you determine which method will help you achieve your goals.
User Groups are great for pairing users at one or more sites that share common attributes.
User Teams are an alternative way to group users together in an effort to simplify training assignments and reporting. User Teams are handpicked and can be assembled with a collection of search functions and filters.
Use the link below to access the work instruction:
Create User Groups and User Teams
Learn more about this topic on the Vector Solutions
online Administrator Support pages:
Creating a User Group - User Groups are great for pairing users of your site who share common attributes. This article explains the importance of User Groups and how they can help you.
Creating a User Team - User Teams are a helpful way to clump users together to simplify assignments and reporting. This article explains more about how to build one and what they can do for you.
Assigned Training Management Overview - Assigned Training Management is the hub for creating training assignments. This article explains the basics of creating assignments and links to other tutorials to help you fully grasp the concepts of this feature.
To view additional work instructions you can find them listed under References in the LMS.
Tip: Simplify your search by filtering on category Work Instructions under Reference Category.
Work instructions and additional support tools can also be located on the Plastipak Academy intranet site below:
Plastipak Academy LMS & Support Tools