Welcome to the Plastipak Learning Management System (LMS)

                    Internal Plastipak Administrator: Vector Solutions Customer Support:
                    734.354.7777 or helpdesk@plastipak.eu 866.546.1212 or support.lms@vectorsolutions.com or Live Chat 

                                                         Discuss with your supervisor before enrolling in a course.

LMS Online Support Tools

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This document provides a link to the Vector Solutions' online support articles.

Access the Administrator Support tab to find answers and instruction on how to perform a wide variety of tasks within the LMS.  Enhance your knowledge about functions you already know how to do, or explore and learn something new!

There are three easy options to accessing the articles:

1. Use the link below to access the document containing the link:

LMS User Support Link

2. Follow a direct link to the administrator online support articles:

Vector Solutions Administrator Support Home Page

3. Access the support articles directly from the LMS!  Select the question mark on the right top corner next to you user name and then Online Admin Guide:

Additional support tools can also be located on the Plastipak Academy intranet site below:

Plastipak Academy LMS & Support Tools