Welcome to the Plastipak Learning Management System (LMS)

                    Internal Plastipak Administrator: Vector Solutions Customer Support:
                    734.354.7777 or helpdesk@plastipak.eu 866.546.1212 or support.lms@vectorsolutions.com or Live Chat 

                                                         Discuss with your supervisor before enrolling in a course.

System Admin Forum 5 - Course Catalog, Reports and Add PDF to Course

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Topics Covered in Forum 5:

  • Discover tips and best practices:

  -  Searching the course catalog - how to filter, export catalog course list
-  Reports - Creating, saving and scheduling
-  Add a PDF file to a course that requires no extra clicks

Use the link below to access the recording:

LMS Forum Number 5

To view additional System Admin forum recordings you can find them listed under References in the LMS.  

Tip:  Simplify your search by filtering on category System Admin Forum Recordings under Reference Category.

The forum recordings and additional support tools can also be located on the Plastipak Academy intranet site below:

Plastipak Academy LMS & Support Tools