Welcome to the Plastipak Learning Management System (LMS)

                    Internal Plastipak Administrator: Vector Solutions Customer Support:
                    734.354.7777 or helpdesk@plastipak.eu 866.546.1212 or support.lms@vectorsolutions.com or Live Chat 

                                                         Discuss with your supervisor before enrolling in a course.

Create a Course - Import a Video

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Purpose of the work instruction:

This instruction walks you through how to bring a video into a presentation module. To embed videos within a course we must upload the video files to the video library within the LMS. Content:

  • Create a page for the video
  • Encode and save the video
  • Upload a video to the library
  • Add the video to the page

Use the link below to access the work instruction:

Create a Course - Import a Video

Learn more about this topic on the Vector Solutions online Administrator Support pages:

Managing Your Video Library - Your Video Library is a robust feature of the LMS that will help you meet your multimedia needs.

File Size Limits for Videos, Images, and More - 
A quick guide detailing maximum sizes for different file types throughout the system.

Embedding a Video Within a Course - 
One of the most direct ways to add a video into a custom course is with the embed link that is provided in the Video Library.

To view additional work instructions, you can find them listed under References in the LMS. 

Tip:  Simplify your search by filtering on category Work Instructions under Reference Category.

Work instructions and additional support tools can also be located on the Plastipak Academy intranet site below:

Plastipak Academy LMS & Support Tools